Saturday, October 17, 2009

To Waiting

Oh. my. goodness.

I am clearly not good at updating.  I apologize.

It's been a rough last few weeks for sure.  School has been pretty much horrendous.  I miss last semester, that's for sure.  I had so much more free time, and made good grades and it was just much better.

I made a B- on my midterm for my CMLT class.  Yesterday, I went by my professor's office to talk about it.  The advantage:  at least he knows I'm serious about the class and about doing well.  Will that help my struggling grade?  I don't know.  I sure hope so.

It was incredibly difficult to sit through, regardless.  I was so worried I was going to burst into tears, and at the beginning of the meeting I was on the verge for a while.  My nose definitely started running, and I know my face was red.  I really did botch the paper, and I want to fix it.  But he warned me not to spend too much time on it.

Afterwards I went to my long await hair appointment at The Republic.  Listen, if you live in Athens, even if you don't go, try to go to the Republic at least once.  It's really cool, and hip, and fun!  I saw Lyric who has done Mika and some one from the All-American Rejects.  I got my hair done a really dark brown-red color.  I like it alot!  The cut is incredible too.  It's not actually not different than what I had, it's just cleaned up and refined.  But they're so nice there  Both Lyric and her assistant were constantly boosting my confidence with "you have great skin," "with your face shape you could pull of any hair cut," "you should be a hair model" - things like that.  It made me feel good after such a rough week.

It's a real change though.  Unfortunately, the appointment was incredibly expensive.  It wasn't so much the cut and color, but the produce I had to buy to be sure that I could protect this investment.  Gaah, I don't even what to think about it.  I can't wash my hair every day anymore.  Yikes.  I got this dry shampoo stuff that works great, but it makes my hair feel really dry and thick.  I might need to put less in or something.  I just hope I can stick to keeping in shape.

I seriously need some income.  HA, I do NOT have time for a job though.  I don't.

Anyways, last Tuesday, Uncharted 2 came out.  I beat it Wednesday.  It was very good, of course.  The bummer, I have nothing to look forward too now, boooo.

I'm going to make a to-do list, just like Allie.  I always right them on the top of my notes, so why not write them on my blog?

To do:
Grocery Shop
Clean the Apartment
Email Maureen about Audio/Visual Project
Email Johnson about Photo Editing
Retake one more lighting photo
Do my other CMLT Midterm
Work on revising my first CMLT Midterm



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